The trip to John's house on Saturday went very well. He made a delightful brunch, biscuits and gravy (why did I think I didn't like that? Perhaps a bad hangover memory from the 80's or something? lol), with fresh sage, wow, it was good with the homemade biscuits with a touch of cornmeal in them! Quiche with parmesan, red pepper, mushrooms, onion. Wow. And apple crumble with ice cream for dessert.
We were watching TV after we ate (scarfed) the lovely meal John prepared. Since John downloads things form the internet now, sometimes with little or no information on what he is downloading, we ended up watching a strangely interesting 20 minute cautionary educational tale on what to do should you find unexploded WWII bombs and stuff laying around. Leave them alone people! I know. Weird. Anyways in one section these guys are running to save a boy who is in danger of blowing himself up with a bomb he stashed in his nifty backpack. John made a comment about how fast the man was running toward the boy . . .
Kay: "I was really fast when I was a kid. Exceptionally fast I think.Too bad I got so fat. It does slow one down."
John: "Well, plus being 50 might have something to do with it. I'll tell you what Kay . . .why don't you go run around the house and we'll time you, we'll see how fast you are!"
Sigh. Laughter and more laughter. Smart ass brothers.
Dad asked me before we left if we were going to go by his old family farm. I told him we would if he wanted to. He said he wasn't sure if he wanted to, that he might cry if it was gone. I said oh it's gone all right! You just don't remember. He doesn't believe us when we tell him stuff. Oh boy. So when we were on the road I asked him which route he wanted to take. He said to take "the blacktop", which I somehow deciphered to mean Grand Ridge Road. As we were leaving John's he asked if we were going home through Ottawa. I said sure! Off we went. We got to Ottawa and I heard him whisper to mom, inquiring why in the hell we were in Ottawa! LOL So I guess I can continue to wonder what will happen when Dad does go by the old Mallaney farm.
Today Mom took Dad to see the heart doctor. The nurse asked him if he still lived in the same place. Dad said no, that he had just moved here from Verona! LOL Then she asked him who brought him to the office today. Dad looked over at Mom and said, "Ione Caldwell". Apparently Mom is his cousin today! I'm still his sister. When I was a kid we used to go to Marseilles to Harvey and Ione's annual fish fry. I wonder if Dad thought of her because we went by their old house on Saturday? Who knows. Anyway Mom was highly amused and surprised.
Midge had been spending a lot of time in the yard, sitting on the ground staring into the neighbor's tree, which leans over the fence. She's out there for hours. So I put a little table out there for her, and she loves it. It's like her own little island. She is on it for hours, looking up into that tree, talking and twirling around.. I hardly see her anymore. Anyway the funniest thing about it is she is meowing like crazy. The number of meows in this little clip is more times than I have heard her meow in her whole life! What a weirdo.
My mom gave me this little rosebush after my surgery last year. I put it in the ground and it's blooming now, a nice wee bit of color now that fall is here.
Weird Midge.I'm toying with the idea of giving her a little more elevation. Before the table the cement block was her perch. Clearly I need to get out more! |
Midge is able to tear herself away from her perch occasionally to lay on and dig up my radishes and lettuce. Maybe this is what they mean on the Food Network when they refer to a micro salad? |
And, lastly, seen on a church signboard in Ottawa, Illinois "Fifty Shades of Grace" lolol.
Kay :)