Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Is it fall . . . or winter!?

Isis still has claws in the back John! LOL   John just turned his heat on . . . all the way up to 59! Seems his house was 54 degrees. The kitties remember about the heat vents, they were on them right away! LOL I best pack up some warm duds for my visit to his house this coming weekend . . .

Wearing long pants, socks, and real shoes, all in one day, for the first time in months! Yuck! And I just finished my last vine ripened big tomato from the garden! Boo hoo!

I realized that yesterday was the 2 year anniversary of my surgery! Two years sure went by fast.

59! Please turn up the heat! LOL

Fajita nachos anyone?

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Blustery October Saturday

A first for Kay . . . I used my AARP card at Walgreens to get a “Senior Discount” (Sigh). I guess it was worth it to save some dough on TP and Purex. Maybe.

Mom and Joe take Dad to church on Sunday mornings to the 7:00 mass. Mom has not been looking forward to the idea of getting up that early and leaving the house on cold winter mornings (mom hates cold!), and has been thinking about switching to Saturday night mass. She has been somewhat reluctant because dad has his “buddies” at church that he sits with on Sunday a.m. and he is really a creature of habit. Not to mention change isn’t good for dementia sufferers. Well, she tried it out tonight for the 5:00 mass. There was piano music and drums, and Dad liked it. Problem is he thinks it is Sunday now and he is all confused.  He wanted to go to the bakery after church, and he wants his Sunday paper! LOL

Dad and I took a ride to Braidwood today, to Mar’s catering shop. She had some goodies for us (yum). Dad loves taking a ride and seeing the farmers in the fields and he loves Mar too. He got lucky and her hubby and 2 sisters were there too, to fuss over him. Mar’s catering shop is across her driveway from her house. As we were leaving, Dad whispered to me, “Mar’s house is very small!” lol. I was just backing out and was able to show him her very nice house and point out that it was different from the smaller  shop where she works. lol Dad wanted very badly to stop in Coal City and see Uncle Pat, but I told a white lie and said Uncle Pat is away on a trip to visit his son. Dad was in such a good mood I didn’t want to put a damper on it. He was pretty tired out on the way home, so I’m glad we didn’t make any more stops. Except at Donna’s, which was right on the way, to drop off her goodies from Mar, and Dad just freaked over the size of their lawn and how do they mow it so nice! LOL

I’ve been working on ripping out the garden and pulling down morning glories. I’m still getting tomatoes! It was the best tomato year ever. I even made more roasted tomato sauce. Yum.This brisk weather makes me want to have the yard work done! Seems like it has finally turned to Fall weather for good.

I found out I was deficient in vitamin D, so I’ve been taking some big supplements of it and I think I’m feeling better. Definitely was not too peppy. Might help out with my aches and pains too. Still doing therapy on my knee, and things are looking up, I hope!  Though I’ve been driving to Joliet so much I feel like a commuter. lol

John is doing physical therapy too. Turns out he was deficient in vitamin D (he is the one who suggested I get mine checked). Well, he started feeling better, and started walking again. He was out on a nice hike, and tripped over a wire fence that had fallen. He hooked both feet in that fence and went down hard, injuring his wrist and shoulder. Nothing broken, but doc ordered some PT for his shoulder. Mallaneys. What can I say? LOL

I'm all sore from washing windows and babying my sore knee! I need my pjs and a blanket, it is getting late . . .nearly 7:00 p.m. lolol

Kay :)

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Fall Cookout - ***EXTRA*** Anatomical Tomato

Uh oh. John is coming home for a cookout . . .

Midge, can you find the grill?
I did a lot of work in the yard/garden yesterday. I'm a little sore but not as bad as I feared. I hate to take the morning glories down, but I love a good grill meal!

You should get some dressing on that right away . . .

 Kay:  I'm surprised you don't have anything to say about these shoes John.

John:  They are fine. Just fine. But they aren't going to slide very well at the bowling alley anymore if you keep wearing them outside.

Taters and a brussell's sprout I guess. Picked it off my cabbage plant. lol

Midge doesn't know what to make of the freak show tomato.

Apples in the crisper drawer (Thanks Mark and Donna!), what the heck! Peel them and get the sugar and cinnamon!

Fried green tomatoes with a horseradish/mustard/sour cream sauce. Is that a Weight Watcher's commercial on the telly?

Oh boy.
Temp has dropped about 20 degrees. Kay likey.

Government still on strike. Campground closed. Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

Dad keeps asking about the Cubs and Sox. I told him neither made the playoffs this year. And do you know what Bernie said . . . "Shit!" I'm pretty sure he just meant that about the Sox . . .

 Midge doing her PT . . . and showing off her french pedicure.

How YOU doin . . . ?

That's all folks!


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Is it really October already!?

How do folks,

It was the best tomato summer ever! Still raking them in. Have to start tearing the garden soon. Lots of morning glories. I hate to take them down, they still look so nice. But experience tells me not to wait too long! Hummingbirds and goldfinch are becoming scarce. Summer is over, darn it. Feel like I wasted it limping around. Therapy is helping my knee/heel though, so hopefully I'll be able to enjoy some fall walks. The steroids aren't hurting anything either! LOL

Burning bush just up and died. A shame. It was such a pretty bush, I loved it. That damn drought.

Grundy County Corn Festival was this past weekend. Mom got Dad up out of bed to sit on back patio to watch the fireworks. Dad was slightly concerned what the police might say if they saw him wandering about in his boxer briefs and t-shirt! After all, he is not in the country anymore! LOL  It was a great fireworks show, even with an obstructed view. Dad loved it and remarked, "Well! I was never expecting a fireworks show my first night in Morris!" LOL What a hoot.

Took the fam over to Streator Saturday for lunch at John's house. Dad loves to see the tractors in the field, though he keeps saying it is too early. We check the progress on our nightly rides. He also ate a pretty hefty lunch, he still loves fried chicken! We gave him an O'Doul's and he was very happy. He likes to see John's house, though he thinks it is "fancy", and he really likes John's kitties. All kitties in fact. He remarked on the way home that if he saw Aunt Mae out in the yard, he was going to stop. I told him if she was out I'd definitely stop. Not sure when Aunt Mae passed, I think it was in the 80's maybe . . . ? He also mentioned stopping at Gladys's bar for a beer? No idea on that one! lol

On our rides Dad keeps saying "I'll have to give you a $5 for gas next time I get to the bank!" LOL  I'm not even going to tell him how much a tank of gas costs now! After all, he gives me $2 for ice cream and thinks there will be change! LOL

Government shut down might mess up the Columbus Day camping trip down to Lake Shelbyville. We'll have to wait and see.

Kay :)