Three years ago today I woke up in the hospital absent a large ovarian mass and with a colostomy! How time flies! LOL And I know I have said it before, but one more time . . . thank God for colostomy reversals! Woo hoo!
Been busy ripping up the garden beds, pulling down morning glories, washing windows, getting things ready for winter. My friend at work, her parents are predicting a rough winter due to thick woolly worm coats! I hope they are wrong! Summer sure flew by. I did find a surprise zucchini whilst ripping up the garden though. My zucchini plants sometimes die right after I pick the first zucchini; the plants have always seemed so delicate. Well this one plant of mine, I felt bad killing it to get ready for winter! Picked it up by the roots to put it in lawn bag and there was a good size zucchini there, 12-14 inches. I'm looking forward to that summer taste one more time. I cut back the catnip, it had nearly taken over. Midge and Finn were snoozing away in the house, and 3 of the neighborhood strays (some very well-fed, fat strays in this neighborhood lol), came to call. Kind of fun. I threw some catnip cuttings over the fence in driveway for them. I think they are still coming by because every once in a while Midge urgently scratches to come in, and she rushes in and has a very fat tail, which amuses me to no end. Nowhere for Midge to hide now, the little stinker, now that those packed beds are emptied. Just one to go, the flower bed. It still looks pretty, from a distance at least! Nice to have a little color out there still.
Pretty quiet around here. Bernie isn't too anxious to go for a ride, it has been a dark, dreary stretch here. Weather has been kind of blustery. Bernie likes sunshine. Supposed to be back up in 70s for the weekend though, I'll get him out then. Had Dad up to the VA clinic last week for a blood draw; this week he'll get his exam. He's doing well, worries about his bowels and milking the cows mostly. And church of course! Bernie cannot miss church. I wish I had his dedication. I got him a new rosary, one with St. Patrick on it, and shamrocks etched on the beads. Dad, like most of the family, likes all things green.
The dementia clock is still a popular item! Bernie loves it. Mom loves it. Money well spent! LOL
Mom's birthday coming up in November (77) and then Dad in December (95), and they both seem to want the thermostat up way too high, so I ordered them some heated throws. If the folks don't like them, I'm sure Midge and Finn will gladly take the hand-me-downs! LOL
I do not like putting away the summer clothes and getting out my long pants and real shoes again! I guess there is no way around it. Midge and Finn love the cooler weather, have been frisky as hell. Too bad I'm such an old fart. LOL I've been fighting the urge to bake cookies, and have been making soup and stew. That is the part of fall I like!
That's all.
Boring Kay :)