Wow, long time since I posted. February flew by. So did January!
Absolutely nothing is going on! I job hunt, go to the Y, cook, clean, read, and find other amusements to pass the time. I am not bored. Probably because I have a busy brain and doing nothing feels like something. I learned that from an interesting article about introverts. 23 Signs you May be an Introvert. Look it up. There are other ones too, 9 Signs You May Be an Introvert, 10 . . . I am one. Anyway, I think this is what being retired is like? LOL Except for that damn job hunting. I go to John's and we diet. Or not. Currently it is Tim Ferriss's slow carb program. It's like deja vu all over again! I did have a job interview at JJC, nice to get one under my belt. Especially since my last one involved taking a letter down in shorthand and typing it up on a state of the art IBM Selectric typewriter! I've giggled over that many times. This time I had to compose a memo and prepare a spreadsheet on Works. Whew, I had no problems. In fact, according to the girl there, I was pretty speedy. The times they are a changing. I did not swear during the interview. At least not that I noticed. Good for me.
I had a nice lunch with old softball friends at Hayden's over in Wilmington. Yes, they are old friends AND they are old. Like me. :) Had an awesome burger and some beers. Good stuff. Having dinner and drinks with some work friends here in town on Wednesday evening, that will be fun. Have a fun St. Patrick's Day party to look forward too. Best party food ever, corned beef, colcannon and creamed cabbage. Wow it is great.
After some spring-like weather, we are in for some ice/rain/snow tonight. Yuck. I was thinking about the garden and how lovely it would be to see some zinnias and sunflowers again, I even went out and dug around a little bit, so I am probably responsible for the bad weather coming in.
I had Midge to the vet. Noticed she had some bald spots. Seems she has a head problem and is over grooming herself. Only cost me $45.50 to get Midge's head problem diagnosed. Sigh. Two white kitties have been coming into the yard and acting like they live here, and Midgie is having a fit. A conniption fit. Hopefully she will get over it soon. I've been talking to her, telling her to just show them who is boss and stop licking herself too much. Knowing everything, I'm always very helpful with advice. Just ask my family. Anyway Midge thinks I'm nuts. She always has. Now that I wasted that money, I see Finn has an actual wound! ARGHHHH I'm watching it and keeping it clean, much to his annoyance, and hopefully he won't require a trip to the vet too. Thank goodness he is not as cantankerous as Midge.
Boring Kay, Over and Out!