How can it be July already? Where does the time go?
I went over to John's this weekend. He had won a gift certificate to Harcar's Market in Streator. I can tell you I will be going back there! All sorts of goodies in there, including this . . .
It was sort of an anti-vegan meal I guess. I had visions of vegan weeks during my period of unemployment whilst I was doing the vego-matic thing, cleaning/chopping/peeling taters, sweet taters, carrots, onions, garlic, mushrooms, garden beans, asparagus, red bell peppers, poblano peppers, all to be tossed with olive oil and roasted with fresh sage, and then tossed with parmesan, lemon zest and parsley to finish.
It was awesome! I just hope the smoke has cleared lol. John got his good pan screaming hot and put that steak down and didn't touch it until the whole house was filled with smoke. I even saw some flames! Then, after opening windows and doors and turning on every exhaust fan in the house, he flipped that sucker over and then when it was done (and rested of course!) he slapped on a heavenly sauce. Apparently he has seen chefs cook steaks like that on TV. Well it works, let me tell you. And I think having your home smell like a Sizzler or Ponderosa for a while is well worth it for that meal.
The kittens were not too alarmed. In fact they slept through the excitement, having exhausted themselves helping with a basket of freshly dried clothes.
One of John's neighbors was jack-hammering something the entire weekend. I was glad to get home to just a few random firecrackers and lawnmowers. I'm pretty sure if I tried to run a jack-hammer I would only be able to do it for maybe 40 seconds.
Having a bad appliance run, John has to get a new dishwasher. Washer repairman has been called here. He didn't come last week but we are still hopeful. Had been a while since I had been the laundromat, and I have not missed it, though it is an interesting place to observe humans. I think a couple of ladies were horrified by the way I sorted my laundry (I didn't lol) and wow, the lighting at the laundromat is really bright. My unmentionables look better in the dingy basement light. So do I actually. Oh well. It takes all kinds.
I didn't win the Queen of Hearts Drawing last week, so prolly tomorrow. I bought some tickets for John too, and he'll probably win. LOL I wish I had Dad's luck, he was always bringing home prizes from the bar.
July 4th will be one year since mother's disastrous fall.
Nice to have a day off this week, too bad it wasn't on a Monday or a Friday!
Happy 4th.
Kathleen A.