Tuesday, May 2, 2017

May Days

Where did April go?

My new job has cut into my blogging time. And my lazing around time! lol It has been a long time since I started a new job! The last time was on July 1, 1983! I'm learning a lot about teacher licensure and am blessed to have very experienced, generous, and friendly co-workers to aid in my training. My office mates are lovely as well, kind and fun and friendly and welcoming. I am very lucky.  I bet 95% of the teachers who phone with questions, when I tell them that I am new, have said "Oh, no problem, we can learn it together!" How nice is that?  I have my first month under my belt now, and am feeling more confident and competent. Whew! And John pointed out that I probably have staved off the onset of dementia by at least 6 months, by starting to use my brain again. Haha lol.

Went to a lovely shower for cousin Monica's daughter, Caitlynne, on Sunday and it was so nice to see a lot of the cousins and NOT at a funeral. A beautiful shower and a lovely time had by all. I was glad Mom wanted to go, she is such a homebody.

Crazy weather! And so much rain, yikes.

Getting some stuff together for a rummage sale over at Mar's this weekend. I'm sure I would have gathered more items if I was still unemployed! lol

Nothing else much going on. I planted some lettuce and onions and radishes, that is it so far. Now I just heard that it might frost tonight! Oh boy. Mother's Day weekend I'm hoping John will come home and help me do some planting. I cannot wait for a garden tomato! Yum. Looking forward to zinnias too.

Spent the weekend at John's and we had a fun day trip to Bloomington putzing around and I got to see his goofy kitties. That is always fun.

That's all I got. Or at least all I can remember! lol

Oh, and my sweet kitties are 8 now! Goodness doesn't seem possible. A couple of my fave photos . . .


Kay :)