Monday, June 12, 2017

Happy Birthday to Me!

Gosh 55. Well now it is 55 and one day. What can I say about that . . . ? Hmmmm. I volunteered to clean the mixing bowl. I'm really good at that. It was lemon cake with lemon cream cheese icing and it was awesome.  No, those are not cats on the kitchen table! That is Kay sitting at the cat table . . .

Garden is coming slowly. I do not like this heat!

Job is going well. I'm learning stuff about teacher licensure. There is plenty to learn! Yikes.

Mom is doing well. She is sitting outside quite a bit, and has started reading again, which is nice. I think having that cataract done is the reason for that. She does more around the house now that I'm back at work, and she is doing well, knock on wood. Coming up on a year (July 4th) since her disastrous fall. It is just a damn shame that happened.

Had the cats to the vet and they are too fat! But they are happy. Except they do not like this heat either.

Finn likes his "new" thrift store bed. I gotta say, it is pretty schnazzy. And only one buckaroo!

Nothing much going on round these parts. John and I stopped at the Seneca Cemetery Memorial Day weekend and put some flowers on the Mallaney headstone. Mom didn't want me to go by myself. I think she is afraid I'll fall down the hill. I told her the road by the cemetery gets plenty of traffic, someone would probably report something like that, but it was on John's way home, so it was all good. Plus I am not as intrepid as Bernie was, scaling that hill. I just take the stairs and then walk over to the plot. The boring way. Someone had put a geranium on Grandma Mallaney's grave, which was really nice. I'm happy to report as of this past Saturday it is still blooming and lovely.

I stopped at the VFW and got some tickets tonight for the Queen of Hearts drawing, my first time. I was hoping for a belated birthday present, but I did not win, no one did, and now the jackpot is over $219,000! That explains the big crowd I've been seeing at the V on Monday evenings on my way home from work! Wow. That place was packed.  I think I'll give it another whirl next Monday! Somebody has to win. And Bernie loved drinking beer at his famous "V", I had a few there with him msyelf!   I wish I could have another beer with Bernie for sure.

That's all I got. Peace.

Kathleen A.