Sunday, January 31, 2021

Snow Day

Where did January go?

Finn thought he wanted to go outside this a.m. but I opened the window and gave him a preview and he changed his mind . . .

I know I have been MIA for a while, but it really was same old same old. 

At my post cataract glasses appointment the eye doctor saw something wonky with my optic nerve and referred me to an opthalmologic neurologist at Wheaton Eye Clinic. I had that appointment last week and he didn't see anything to worry about . . . but wants to recheck me in 9 months. LOL Ok. Will do. I was there for 4 1/2 hours and I must stress this point. If the eye doc says you don't have to have a driver, and you have to drive home at night with your eyes dilated, take a driver! Or an uber! Arghh. I'm used to driving home in daylight a very short distance home with my eyes dilated. Driving home at night from a more populous area (Plainfield) with lots of streetlights and lots of cars sucked. Part of it is my problem for not wanting to put people out, I had many offers of transport from my kind friends, but I insisted I would be fine.  So my eye doctor has referred to to a retina specialist and now a neurologist so she definitely does not like my left eye. Both have turned out fine so far. I should just be happy about that, but oh my gosh the money, it has not been cheap, even with good insurance. 

I got a summons for jury duty but did not have to report. My former boss once made a comment that I would be the juror from hell . . . I still puzzle over that comment sometimes lol. 

On the Mom front, I was growing increasingly bitchy and frustrated that she would not go to the doctor. She kept telling me she had an appointment coming up, that she would talk to the doctor then. That appointment was for a pacemaker check with her cardiologist, scheduled every 6 months. Of course she rescheduled it once, and then the doctor rescheduled it. I kept telling her he would refer her to her GP, but oh my gosh is she stubborn! Finally I had just had it. I told Joe I am done. It is up to you now. If it was up to me I'd phone her doctor and see if you can get someone sent to house to draw blood and do a urinalysis (I was sure she had a UTI). I told Joe if I were him I would not wait too long, start working on her now, she is going downhill fast and there is no way she should be this pale and weak and failing. Something is wrong. Joe had been siding with Mom, saying stuff like "Old people are supposed to have diarrhea" and "She has good days" and "She'll come around" . . . sigh. 

So  later that day, guess what? Joe calls and Mom has a doctor's appointment that very same afternoon. I asked him how in the hell did that happen. Joe guesses that he talked her into it. One day. One day. I had been on her for months. Whatever, I'm relieved and happy she is FINALLY going. That was on Thursday. Joe takes her to appointment and calls me later at work and tells me he took her to ER for bloodwork and evaluation. They'll call in a couple of hours. She ends up getting admitted due to low hemoglobin. Uh oh. They give her blood and get her hemoglobin stabilized. And she has a UTI. They call in a gastro consult due to low hemoglobin and on Friday she has a colonoscopy and a CT scan.

They found a malignant mass in her right colon. We had follow-up with gastro guy on Thursday and found out that it has not spread, and given its location on right side the removal can often be done laparoscopically; they remove the part of the colon with the mass and sew it back together, no bag, usually one night in hospital. Next step is appointment with surgeon. I called and surgeon had a cancellation so we go tomorrow afternoon at 4:00. Then she will be need to be cleared for surgery. I hope after the surgery she can get in for some rehab because she has been not feeling well for a while and  has been very inactive is very weak. Hopefully that will change once she starts feeling better. 

She also has a hiatal hernia, and got an Rx to help with that. TUMS stock may tumble . . . 

She got home Saturday night about 5:00, exhausted. 

So doctor's appointments and surgery for Jo Ann and hopefully she will feel better. I was afraid she would say she would not do anything, but good for the PA at the gastro office, she was pretty graphic about what happens when people choose to not have surgery. So far no argument from Mom. 

We ran into Keat Cushing and his wife, Mary at the gastro office. Kind of awkward to talk about people's issues there, but always nice to see them, and they looked great!

We got a good bit of snow, thankful Joe is strong, not just for the snow but with Mom. That snow gave me noodle arms. 

I got covid vaccine #1 this week. 

We will now enjoy chicken and dumplings on this snowy day. Mom loves Lawry's seasoned salt and seasoned pepper and butter on many things, including dumplings. The Pioneer Woman's dumplings have a touch of cornmeal in them. Yummers. No more Bisquick at the Morris Mallaneys.

Peace all and stay healthy!

Kay ☘