Here is the February:
I went out Saturday night! Walmart and St. Vincent DePaul were pretty much deserted.
Aunt Becky, from mom's side, passed away. It was so nice to see my ageless cousins, even at such a sad event. Lots of childhood memories. In my mind Aunt Becky and Uncle Jack had "The Party House" when I was a kid. We loved going to their house in town, a block from the park, best friends just a stone's throw away, an interesting upstairs! Of course they loved coming to the farm! LOL Nice memories. Both houses had a good picnic table under a tree and beer and were very kid friendly.
Mom had a catheter put in. Nurse suggested it, mom was tired of being wet all the time. Wow, what a difference. Mom started sleeping better, she was much more comfortable, everything seemed so much easier. Until it went on the fritz. Nurse comes once a week right now, we'll get it ironed out.
Cats are good. Much amusement. Much pickiness when it comes to food. Maybe John has the right idea. He gives his cats one flavor cat food, a can at a time, and they don't get another until the bowl is empty. I'm not that strict . . . it is like a buffet in there lol. I'll get it figured out. Happy kitties are very important. Just so they don't get big boned (fat) like Finnegan.
Looking forward to long weekends the next two weekends. I love long weekends.
Now back to real time in March:
Mom got the catheter taken out. It was leaking and she said it was uncomfortable. Oh well. At first she loved it. Other than that she is doing pretty well. Appetite is good. Joe said Mom is gaining weight. I don't know about that, but good. She was getting too bony. I'm not even sure I have bones. The hospice nurse and bath aide are lovely. Finding a cat on mom's bed more and more often, which tickles me.
She did have a bit of a bug for a few days, right around St. Pat's, so I missed my party. She had it coming out of both ends and she was pretty miserable. I had a DUI dream the week before the party, so maybe it was just as well. I mean a naked sobriety test on the main Street in Morris, what a nightmare. What would Freud say about that? I don't think I want to know.
Not much else new. I had my first taste of Lou Malnati's pizza and Lou's salad. Good eats. That salad . . . wow. How did I get so old without eating Lou Malnati's I wonder . . . ? My coworkers were stunned by that fact. Also that I haven't seen Star Wars, or read Harry Potter. Stuns me that The Birds isn't their favorite movie, and they weren't allowed to watch the Twilight Zone or Dark Shadows as children. Or Creature Features! One is a couple years older than me, one is 9 years younger. And in the other room are a 24 year old and a 39 year old. The 24 year old is coming out of her shell. I pretty much made her talk to me, she was a trifle shy. The other day I had a slow time, so I was taking a quiz on Facebook. One of the questions was "Do you like change?" She asked me what question I was on, and I told her. She then inquired "Do you like change?" and I said "No! I do not!." Then she said . . . oh my gosh cracked me up "I don't either! Once I threw it away." Oh dear. How funny. Then, another day, I made a comment about someone being "harried and harassed" and she asked me what that meant. It did not occur to me until later that I could have told her anything I wanted and had a bit of fun. I'm slipping I guess. And when I asked her what the young people were going to be doing this weekend and she mentioned the bar, I was horrified by the price of beer these days, just like Bernie used to be on the non .50 beer days. It is nice to be amused at work lol. I used to be the oldest, but now I'm the junior senior.
I was also John's guest at the Sunday Brunch over at Gaetano's Vault in Streator. It was outstanding. Breakfast food, dinner food, desserts, drinks. Wow. I had this St. Paddy's Punch, vodka, OJ and Blue Curacao . . . with sprinkles. Then I had some boozey coffee with my dessert. With whipped cream. I should have camping coffee every day. And bananas foster french toast. I didn't get a pic of the lunch type food. There was an omelet station too, but I can't eat everything. It was fun to see some of my favorite co-workers of John's too. We got to sit together. Good fun. That pistachio cake too, wow.
Speaking of cake I'm about to go frost Joe's birthday cake, he is 62 today. Crazy. How did we get so old? We will have his favorite pizza tonight, we all love it, and Mom is looking forward to it.
My car acted up for a while, the back door wouldn't open. I was just dealing with it and then, one day, when I unlocked the car it sounded different somehow, and boom, the backdoor would open again. I had inquired at the garage about getting it fixed, but it was an ungodly amount. Recently I looked at the new car inventory in Ottawa and, while I thought I was discreet, somehow my car found out. Now the back door and the rear passenger door won't open. Ugh. We'll see how long this little snit lasts.
And Happy New Year! I see I totally missed January, probably no news to report. And that is fine, around here no news is good news!
Kay ☘