Gosh, I think it would have been easier to stay in the hospital another night, rather than have to get up this a.m. and go to out-patient for blood work! Wait! I change my mind on that, I forgot coming home saved me some heparin shots in my lower belly. That was something new this time, something I definitely could have done without! And I could take a break from my abdominal binder. It is this hellish girdle-like thing. It's actually been on break since I got home. Mums the word on that one. I was not moving too quickly this a.m. My potassium was a wee bit low (from all the hurling) when I was discharged yesterday, so they wanted it checked out this a.m. Haven't heard anything yet, but I suspect I will, what with the cramping I'm feeling in my legs. I'm sure they'll call later.You know, probably when I finally fall asleep. :)
And I also think it was kind of mean of them to send me home with a surgical drain to empty! I told the nurse I thought I'd be leaving the hospital unencumbered! LOL Certainly better than the shock of that colostomy bag last time. WARNING: Graphic (sort of gross) medical stuff to follow . . . I have to drain this thing in my abdomen, and measure it. First time I drained it last night, I was so tired, I couldn't see the markings on the side of the little cup thing. I ask my Mom if she can see the numbers, and she is holding it up to the light in the kitchen, this reddish pink fluid with little bits of me floating around in there, then she asks me "How much of this stuff do you have to drink?" Oh lordy, it was funny.
I'm temporarily energized by macaroni and cheese and a slice of buttered toast and (tsk tsk) a diet pepsi, so I'm going to take advantage of this energy and grab a shower. My dietary choices have been interesting. My first solid I was able to keep down in the hospital was chocolate pudding, washed down by a root beer. I mean what the heck? The food there is so good and I did not get to enjoy any of it! Grrrrrr. I knew yesterday morning, when I got brave enough to try and look at the pictures of food on the hospital menu and didn't get sick, that things were looking up. It was pretty bad for a couple of days, couldn't even keep liquids down.
More later. For now I'll just say it is so nice NOT to be nauseous, that just kicked my ass. In fact this whole thing has. I thought it would be easier than the other one. Quite the shocker. Glad it is over.
The hospital is going to call today to see how I'm doing. It's going to be short and sweet . . . "I drank, I ate, I pooped. I did not hurl." The sweet nurses and aides felt so bad for me. Plus, you know, who wouldn't want to get rid of this dry heaving puker? LOL Just kidding. They were the best.
Thanks for the good wishes folks. Doing better now.
Kay :)
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