Ahhh the power of a good night's sleep. So we won't have another pissy post like yesterday! LOL Seems a half day of work, and the dentist, and not laying down at all, not all day (I know I know!), took its toll on me, and got me pissy and tuckered and sore. I'm still wearing my binder too. It really does help a lot, though I complain mercilessly about it to anyone who will listen (sorry about that folks, soon it will be a distant memory lol).
Five weeks today since the surgery. It seems longer. Bills are starting to roll in. Thank God for good insurance!
My jaw is still sore, but is better than yesterday. It would be hard for it NOT to be better than yesterday! It was so sore last night I couldn't (or wouldn't!) get it open far enough to use my battery toothbrush. Not looking forward to going back March 30th for more of the same. Yucko.
I officially cleaned out the last of my colostomy supplies yesterday, my rinse bottle at work! I went to toss it my last day at work before the reversal surgery, but didn't want to jinx anything (I'm not superstitious or anything). I had stored my supplies in a cardboard file box in the tiny, tiny, tiny bathroom, so it was nice to get that box out of there too.
Weight Watchers is going OK. I weighed in today and lost a couple pounds. All I seem to want lately is the things that were on the "You May Want to Avoid These Items If You Have a Colostomy Bag" list. Mind you, you can certainly eat these items when you have a bag, but I did not want to gamble! I really am superstitious I guess. God only knows what kind of doom might have befallen me if I ate the foods on the Gas List. My food tracker at Weight Watchers is full of all sorts of veggies, mostly multi-colored and green peppers, which Aldi had for a great price this week, mushrooms, refried beans, rice, salsa. Yum. Lots of broccoli and cauliflower and whole wheat tortillas and eggs. Good stuff. And points friendly (in the right portions of course!). Hmm, I wonder if there is a list with chocolate and other junk food on it that would make me avoid it. Like the "You Probably Want to Avoid These Foods If You Are Morbidly Obese". Somehow that list doesn't instill as much fear in me as the bag list! LOL Too bad.
Take care folks,
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