Sunday, January 5, 2014

January Deep Freeze

Happy New Year!

Snow snow snow. Wind wind wind. Cold cold cold. Our predicted high for tomorrow is  -17! Wind chill tonight around -46. Please please please let the power stay on! Thank goodness for gas! Gas as a fuel source that is! LOL  Shut up John. I went out first thing this a.m. to fill up the cat food bowl for the strays at work. I was sliding like crazy! People with big heavy trucks were doing OK, but it is still snowing, and now starting to blow. I wish all living creatures had a warm, safe place all the time, and especially in this weather.

Dad is "scairt" of the weather. I don't blame him. Something real to fear, instead of living in Morris, and going to bed correctly!

Mar's niece, Miss Kate, wrote about Runza on her blog, a restaurant in Nebraska that serves ground beef and cabbage sammies. Sounds great, doesn't it!? Well, being most fond of those ingredients I poked around on line and found that runza is a "midwest" dish. Hell, I'm 50 something and never heard of it! So I gave it a whirl the other night. Yum. I'll be making it again. I cheated and used frozen roll dough. Still good!

Cheeseburger runza with a speck of bacon . . . good eats.

Sunday Dinner . . . orange chicken. And a couple of said frozen rolls left over from the Runza experiement. If you forget to take them out to rise, it still works, they just aren't quite as pretty.

John had his girls to the vet for shots. Hera is a whopping 11 pounds 6 ounces. Little Isis is 8 pounds 4 ounces. The little, skinny, bottle fed kittens from the shelter have filled out beautifully! I knew they would, once they became Mallaneys! Go team go!

Too bad I haven't been able to get over to Johns . . . he turned up his heat! The girls are thankful, I'm sure. A new record for John's thermostat . . . 62!!!

Finnegan. A little too much Mallaney perhaps . . . 18 pounds 14 ounces last time he was at the vet. He looked so freakishly long on bed I put yardstick down for some scale, but he moved. He had his paws over his head when I first saw him. LOL

Lying on bed, looking out window (see the pretty snowflake sun catcher John made and gave me for Christmas a few years ago), I can't help but appreciate the beauty of the weather, but now the snow is blowing off the porch roof in an alarming way.  I'm going to get things lined up just in case of power outage (please nooooo! lol).

Take care and keep warm people!


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