Thursday, February 13, 2014

Good Morning . . . ?

I am in a fog when I wake up (and at other times too). This morning I went into the bathroom and I was befuddled. Why is there a washcloth in the toilet? And more on the floor? Then I saw her trying to be invisible (in my morning befuddlement it worked for a minute) . . .

Midge . . . in the towel cabinet! How did she do that? It had to be difficult for a fat Mallaney cat to accomplish such a maneuver without landing in the toidy! The angles are all wrong and, frankly, she is not that coordinated  . . .

And Finn has resorted to playing with dangerous non-cat toys! He was doing sort of a "Spin the Scissor" game . . .

Come on weather, get warmer, melt some snow! My cats are going crazy! LOL

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