Saturday, October 24, 2015

Happy Fall!

Here's what has been happening on the ranch . . .

I had a good time at camping a couple of weeks ago.  Hadn't been down to Lake Shelbyville for a while. The weather was perfect. Great food too. Love the big breakfasts down at camping, delicious! Only one fall (not me!), and nobody had to go to the emergency room, so it was a successful trip. Drank way too much beer for someone my age . . . or any age really, and Donna, knowing my penchant for cinnamon, picked up some Fire Ball Cinnamon Whisky for shots. Go figure, I liked it!  I had those Fireball shots one night, got up, had camping coffee (Bailey's and whipped cream), then someone had a great idea to have Bloody Mary's. Sometimes I'm a joiner. Sometimes I'm not. Seems I was a joiner at camping! Then I had a beer with lunch, maybe 2, then I felt the need to rest and I hit the sack pretty early. It's OK to go to bed at 2:00 in the afternoon when you are 53 and camping. It really is. It was wonderful, lying on the sofa/bed thing in the camper, watching the wind blow the pretty fall leaves off the tree. Luckily after I rested for a while I was able to perk up and party on! Sort of . . .

I heard a ruckus outside the camper one night, but was too lazy to get up. In fact I felt like I was being watched, and later we found coon prints on the camper steps. Mar got up and tried to shoo the coons away, but they were bold and did not want to leave. Mar was standing at the camper door in her jammies and she turned to me with the weirdest look on her face and she said, "What is that sound like a metal basketball rolling down the hill?" and I thought to myself, "Oh my God! Mar has totally lost it! She better go to bed!" Well yadda yadda yadda, next morning, coons had made a big mess and then, after breakfast, one of the guys asked where the tin of cookies was. Well, guess what!? It was MIA! The coons stole it! LOL  One of the guys found it later, and the cookies were still intact, coons couldn't get that tin open.

We had zucchini out the wazoo this summer, and I was sad to see it end, but John was gracious enough to share his ENTIRE 2015 ZUCCHINI HARVEST with the fam . . .

The biggest one is as long as my first finger! LOL  John gave us those last weekend, we took a ride over there for lunch. Lovely day for a drive, but I bet we saw 50 dead coons on the way to Streator! It was freaky.  Hera has to worry about anorexia about as much as I do . . . she is fat (and sassy)!  Who cares, she is alive and still with us, that is what matters. Isis, though still shy, seems to be OK with a total of 3 people in the room. She will visit and be very charming. If the 4th person comes back, say from picking up a nutritious lunch of tenderloins and fried chicken and fried fish and a cheeseburger and a bunch of sides from this yummy place in Streator, she will hide again. Things are looking up though, we do get to see her now, albeit for a short time.

The Cubs lost! I gotta think, on some very high level, that Bernie was very very pleased! Uncle Jim called from rehab this week and he sounded great! We were very happy about that.

If you have vacation days to use up, I think you should take a ride. Maybe to Sheboygan! What the heck.  You can look at Lake Michigan on a blustery fall day and feel invigorated.

You might get the swimming pool at the Sleep Inn in Sheboygan all to yourself and you can do handstands and water ballet and have fun. What the heck. Live it up people! See that water pouring down there? It feels great on your shoulders and back and everywhere . . . until the next day when you wake up and you are 53 and you are all sore and feel like you got beat up! And maybe a clerk offered you a senior discount!? Sigh. Maybe you also used your AARP membership to save $10 at the Sleep Inn. Whoop-do-frickin-do.

You can go to the Water House Brewery in Grafton and eat the Ultimate Grilled Cheese . . . cheddar, jack, swiss and pepper jack cheeses are grilled with avocado, tomato and sliced red onion on fresh sourdough bread brushed with basil butter. Cheeeeese! It is Wisconsin after all! And make sure you get the bacon on that sandwich too! Yum. It's just a buck extra. One buck.

Mom's birthday is coming up November the 7th. She'll be 78! Wow.

That's all for now.


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