Time sure flies when you are on unemployment! Is it really May already? On one hand, the practical unemployed, dang! On the other hand, the one that doesn't give a chit . . . May, woo hoo! Let's have fun outside!
Anyway . . .
Mom and I took a drive to Seneca to the cemetery today. It was a glorious day, a perfect day for a ride. The cemetery looks a little rough, but I'm sure they'll get it slicked up. I remembered everything, except a rake would have come in very handy.
Dad always made sure to decorate for Mother's Day. Weird, I didn't realize until today how young Grandma Mallaney was when she passed away only 60 years old. Five years before I was born. We did mom's side of the family out at Evergreen last week.
I'm enjoying this Spring sunshine. I opened John's front door for his cats to enjoy the morning sunshine and now they think I'm a rock star! I wonder if there are any openings anywhere for a rock star . . . hmmmm.
Had another Mallaney Cousin's lunch yesterday. Smaller crowd this time, but still terrific. Lots of laughs and stories and good company, beer and wine, a lovely afternoon.
I think John needs to invest in a sturdier cat tree . . .
John put that cat tree together himself!
I planted some onions and radishes. Everything is looking good except for one little thing . . .
Midge keeps digging up my veggies prematurely! It's a wonder any of the onions took, they've been replanted so many times. And my beautiful rows of radishes. Sigh.
I've been feeling so creative lately . . . see if you can get the tune right ---
Dewdrops on lilacs,
whiskers on kittens,
wee downy goslings and
rummage sale listings,
old Springbok puzzles tied up with string,
these are a few of my favorite things . . .
Thank you thank you. Please stop. I will take my leave now.
Kay :)
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