Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Summer Snaps and Independence Day Troubles

Illinois Canyon trail at Starved Rock

First garden green pepper. I whipped up a gourmet dish for supper with it, Weenies and Beans and Cornbread ala Kay.

I just want to say that this post was titled "Summer Snaps" BEFORE the calamitous event of July 4th.  I had started this post last week and since it contained nothing of substance I saved it as a draft figuring I'd fluff it up later. Perhaps I am a little psychic? I dunno. More likely . . .  psycho.

Yep, there is mom, with her supracondylar humerus fracture. She was not too keen on getting her picture taken but she looks just fine! She has a temporary cast all the way from her upper arm to her fingers. She took a tumble on the patio. Found her there with glass all around from a broken coffee cup (and some cut fingers), ciggies all around, lighter on the ground, a stick of gum, she was so close to her rocking chair, so close! She swears to me that she wasn't trying to light a cigarette while walking, like she did last time she fell! Because we have RULES against that now.  She went down hard on her right arm. She sits on patio all the time, multiple times a day, she enjoys the outdoors and to have her ciggies. She was a little shook up, doesn't know what happened. A real shame this happened to her, we are all very sad about it. She was reluctant to go to the ER but I talked her into it. I think at first the ER personnel didn't think anything was broken because Mom was doing so well, but the dang x-ray showed otherwise. The doc told her she is tough, and she is. She is doing very well. We left the ER with instructions to follow up with the ortho doc today. Of course on the way home we talked about how nice it is that you don't have to leave town anymore to see a specialist like you did years ago. But of course the ER was full of people who needed orthopedic referrals today so we can't get into the Morris office, we have to go to Joliet tomorrow. LOL  Mom wasn't even going to get a prescription for pain pills, she told the doc she'd take some ibuprofen, but I said oh yes, we need an Rx  . . . I may need to pop a pill! I was  just joking of course, and Mom is glad to have them now. The pain pills are working great and she has slept very well, considering.  She skipped supper last night,  and lunch today, but she had a nice supper, so I think things are going quite well really.

At least it was her right arm, and she is a lefty, so, as we are all getting tired of saying . . .it could have been worse!

More tomorrow after doc.

Kay :)

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