Tuesday, January 30, 2018


Mom saw the cardiologist today. Luckily John had the day off and he and Joe transported mom to the doctor's office, and I headed over there on my lunch hour. Worked out nicely. We were kind of surprised to hear that when mom was in the hospital there were some stretches of up to 10 seconds where her heart did not beat! Yikes. We had no idea. No wonder the woman keeps falling! Anyway, pacemaker is set up for Monday morning, we need to be there at 7:00 a.m. Doc's office is right across from hospital, so while I went back to work John wheeled mom over for pre-procedure blood work and some other stuff. Pretty nifty. 

We were highly amused in the exam room when mom commented that she hoped it wouldn't be scheduled too quickly, because she needed time to "rest up because she was tired". John and I kind of laughed and made some bad jokes about resting up from what lol she said oh, just a week or two . . . so when the scheduler came out and said Monday, mom was kind of shocked, and when they asked if she had any questions about the procedure she said . . . "THIS COMING MONDAY?" lolol.  Dad had good results and increased energy when he got his pacemaker and we are hoping for and expecting good results for mom too. She has been very tired and weak in the legs, and the pacemaker will help with those issues. Her appetite is picking up a bit too.

I found it somewhat amusing that on the day we went to the cardiologist I had made biscuits and gravy to tempt mom's appetite. We did not tell the doctor that . . . 

That's all folks. 

Kathleen :)

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