Sunday, June 24, 2018

June Days

Thank you John for stopping at the cemetery in Seneca on the way home from your visit yesterday. John parks at the top and walks all the way down, no ditch hopping like Bernie! LOL  Kay parks across the street and climbs the stairs and scoots over. I put the flowers at the cemetery here in Morris for mom's side. No hills, no steps, just nice flat ground. In memory of Bernie I took a ride out there yesterday to see how they look. Bernie would heartily approve.

Mom is doing OK. She has a follow-up with the infectious disease doc this week. I'll be curious to see if she has another (or the same) UTI. She seems a bit weak to me and not overly peppy. She tells me she is just old and tired. LOL We will find out Tuesday.  She is in a good mood and there is nothing wrong with her appetite. She picks Sunday a.m. to start worrying about what days/times her appointments are, rifling through papers and purses and pockets looking for appointment cards and sighing. I suggested that we just phone the docs' offices in the a.m. and get her calendar in order without undue stress. Like John says, everyone needs some way to pass the time. It would just be nice if people could pass their time without annoying Kathleen. Which, sad to say, is easier said than done.

Anyway . . . John was home for a visit yesterday. We had a nice meal from Honest Abe's here in town, sandwiches--- burgers and fries and a garlicky pork poorboy for Kay. Picture Merichka's, but made with pork and a slice of provolone. Wow it is good. Chicken strip basket for Joe. Joe ALWAYS gets chicken wherever we go. Good eats.

As usual my garden looks great . . . from a distance. Don't get toooo close. LOL  Tomato plants are huge. Pepper plants are minuscule, not even high enough to hold the teeny tiny peppers off the ground. Very amusing. After changing my hummingbird feeder 5 times (ants!) last year before seeing a hummer, I delayed putting it out until yesterday. Zinnias are blooming so I hope the hummers come soon. Cheap entertainment. And no worries for the little birds now that Midge and Finn are 9. And sort of fat.

That's all I got. Happy Sunday!

Kay ☺

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