Sunday, October 28, 2018

Blustery Sunday

Blustery Sunday.
Leaves blowing.
Cat snoring.
Homemade soup.
Thermostat down.
Flannel sheets.
Phone rings
and rings
and rings.

Do not disturb.

Some day I will catch on to my family's ways. Mom was staying in bed a lot, complaining of a sore back. I kept asking her how it was doing, worrying, was she feeling better, blah blah blah. Sometimes I am painfully slow on the uptake. I finally say if your back is hurting for no reason we better make a doctor's appointment, then a sudden dawning . . . wait a minute! I ask Mom if she fell again. Confession time. Yes, it was in the kitchen. The floor was slippery. What the hell man!? I thought we agreed she wouldn't go off on her walker alone! She would wear gait belt! Apparently I was the only one in on the agreement. I ask Joe if he thinks it is a good idea not to tell me these things?! Joe: "Mom didn't want me to tell you." I ask again if he thinks it is a good idea. I'm pretty sure he is clear now that it is NOT a good idea to keep the secrets from Kathleen. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Mom and Joe have always had secrets so why do I expect things to change now? Anyway she is improving, albeit slowly.

Her birthday is coming up soon, she will be 81.

November is a nice month for days off. Two at Thanksgiving, we get election day off too, but I'm moonlighting working at the courthouse, and Veteran's Day. A not so fun part of a new job is going from 5 weeks vacation to 2 weeks. But lots of holidays help a lot.

Nothing too exciting going on around here. Took 3 days off, a Thursday Friday Monday, worked 2
around here on yardwork and housework, fall stuff, then ran to John's and on another blustery
Sunday the power was out for about 4 hours. What do you do in Streator, IL when the power goes
out? There was (rusty) ping pong and reading and how does John not have Scrabble or Cribbage!
And . . .

A super easy puzzle.

Watching this solar powered doohickey go round and round.

Chillax and try to beam yourself up. Sweet Hera. I was deeply disturbed to see a TV show titled
 "My Big Fat Pet Makeover"! She is just big boned. 
Do a super hard puzzle! A real beauty.

Play with the kitties. 
According to the power outage update recording 750 people in Streator were out of power (just the whiners prolly are included in that number.). Some of us just tough it out. Anyway I think all 750+ people were at Casey's buying beer and junk food. Maybe they weren't all gambling, not sure. John didn't want anything . . .

That's all folks. Happy Halloween. 


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