Monday, August 19, 2019


Well, the reunion nearly did Mom in! LOL We weren't sure she would even go, and we ended up being there for 3 hours, a long time for Mom when she hadn't been feeling great and hadn't been out of the house for a while. She really enjoyed it, seeing everyone, and she had a great appetite, who doesn't with all that great food!? That was on Saturday. On Sunday she was pretty tuckered. Come Monday night we were off to the ER, she was so weak. She has had a recurring UTI and the antibiotics just weren't knocking it back, and her bad elbow had become all red and bruised and swollen. She was pretty out of it. They ran a bag of IV antibiotics and fluids through her and prescribed a different antibiotic and x-rayed her elbow and sent her home.  She did perk up a little with the IV and the antibiotic, but we were disappointed they didn't keep her, we felt it was warranted. It was pouring rain and incredibly wet and humid and miserable when we left the hospital. Luckily mom stayed snug in my old softball rain poncho, Joe and I were drowned rats and I lost a shoe in a puddle. It was pretty comical really. I can curse probably just about as well as anybody in the world.  She had a follow up with her GP on Wednesday, but it was all downhill. Mom has never done well on antibiotics. I heard a noise in the night and found Mom on the floor. Scared me to death. She told me she didn't fall, but just slid off the bed. Come Friday and we were back to the ER. To our shock and chagrin they were going to send her home again. She was so weak and sick, she was scaring me. By the grace of I don't know what, I think my pleas to a sympathetic social worker, they ended up admitting her. She has had IV antibiotics for the past 3 days and today she was moved over to Park Pointe for rehab, same place she was before. I think it is just what she needs. She has not been looking or feeling good, and I couldn't persuade her (despite much bitching) to go to doc or exercise more or get out of bed more. Already at the hospital she has walked a little with a walker and spent several hours each day sitting up in a chair. I couldn't get her to do that stuff at home. Hopefully this stint will will get her well and stronger so we can enjoy a good trouble free spell at home. That is what we all hope for.

Not sure how long she will be there, don't know much of anything yet, except she is starting to look and feel better thank God!


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