Thursday, September 2, 2021

Back to Rehab

Well I got up to the hospital after work on Tuesday to visit Mom and she wasn't in her room. She was having a procedure. I assumed it was the elbow. I went to cafeteria and had some supper and went back up afterwards and she still wasn't back. I got to the car and my phone rang, and it was a doctor telling me the procedure went well they didn't see anything to be concerned about. What? Apparently after a blood test some numbers had dropped, and she had passed a little blood so they did an upper GI. What next! Mom tolerated the procedure well. 

So yesterday I got a call she was medically discharged and should go to rehab or released to home with home health care. I really feel rehab was the best choice. I was relieved because I am a little freaked on that elbow wound, so hopefully by the time she gets out of rehab it will be well on its way to being healed up. And she is very weak. So she is back at Park Pointe, 14 day isolation, and we can visit through the window again. Sad, but it is what she needs.  I popped up on my lunch break yesterday to see her before she got transported and she was a trifle hangry again. I called downstairs to see if she could have lunch, but they had orders she was on a liquid diet only. Mom did not wish to partake in any liquids at that time . . . oh dear. I certainly hope she got something to eat last night . . . a hungry Morris Mallaney is not a pretty thing.  I got some clothes together for her and Joe dropped them off last night but couldn't find her window to visit. I'll head over tonight after work.

So Jo Ann is out of the hospital and one step closer to home.


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