Thursday, November 25, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had our usual bountiful meal. My turkey was almost too pretty to eat . . . almost . . .

John offered to make dessert . . . carrot cake was my idea. Yum.

If you are wondering if that is a really big piece of carrot cake or a really small pink plate, the answer is yes to both. John warned me the frosting on the carrot cake might be too thick. Haha he is such a jokester! LOL Is that even possible? It is delicious. 

Mom is in a good mood. She doesn't get up anymore. Her appetite is pretty good. She enjoys her meals. Sometimes she doesn't seem to know where she is. And sometimes she talks nonsense, but she comes out of it. Usually if she has a bad night's sleep we can expect some interesting old people stuff the next day. She asked Joe who his boss is. Sometimes she seems surprised to see me and comments that she didn't know I was staying here too. When she says stuff like that I suspect she thinks we are both in the nursing home! LOL  Sometimes I just say, Mom --- you aren't making sense, have a rest and I'll be back later. Whew, so far it has worked. It is sad to see Mom so weak and frail, but I gotta say, after chasing peppy Bernie around after the dementia and having to try to keep him from escaping and returning to his family in the United States, mom is pretty easy. Bernie was sneaky and quick, even in his 90s!

Best to all. 

Tryptophan Kay 

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