Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Election Day & Cataract Day

The cataract was short and sweet. Check-in time was 7:15 and I was home by 9:00. Not pleasant, but there sure are worse things (thinking of colonoscopy lol). Will be good to have my triple vision in that left eye gone. 

I will miss working at the election tonight, both the money and the potluck (if Covid permits a potluck hmmm), but it was nice to have cataract done on a day off, since Election Day is a holiday for me. I wanted to get it done before end of the year and doc is only in town once a month so I didn't want to push it to December. Lots of planning for us procrastinators when trying to maximize a deductible lol. Colonoscopy and cataract, check---now I want (more like NEED) a shot in my bad knee. 

Covid is getting closer and closer. Two co-workers are currently on quarantine. Lots of suspense. So far so good for the Morris Mallaneys though, knock on wood. 

I went to visit my friend and her puppy on Saturday, we were outside for 2-3 hours, and I got sunburned and windburned. I gotta say the peeling off of the cataract drape thing was not so much fun this a.m.! It was good to get fresh air and to visit with someone who is not in my family. Still feeling socially distant, and winter is not going to help that. 

Mom is doing OK. She went through one of her weak, pale, tired spells, but is coming out of it. I cut her hair. I think I will be much better at it next time with my new, more powerful clippers. If that doesn't scare you, it probably should! John probably will not tell the story (AGAIN), of how I periodically buy clippers to cut my hair at home to save money, then end up with a bald spot, and the money saving venture is over . . . until the next time. Anyway, Mom is in a good mood with a good appetite.  I annoy her by pestering her to get out of bed and do her exercises yada yada yada. I'm sure I annoy her in many other ways too! LOL I'm so good at that. Jo Ann will be 83 this weekend. I'm sure John will be home for a meal to help celebrate in a socially distanced way. I will bake something yummy for her . . . unless I can con John into it . . .

I do not have much news. Staying close to home, determined not to get Mom sick. More suspense today with the election. We shall see what we shall see . . . hopefully in single vision!

Kay 🍂🍂