Friday, March 25, 2011


John won the annual karaoke contest! I don't know how he beat me! He won a $30 gift certificate to the general store here. Ever frugal, he found a t-shirt (actually I found it for him), in the 50% bargain basket and picked out a meditation CD. He went to the meditation session here and loved it.

It was a big day here, croutons at lunch and peanut butter cookies at supper! Wow.  What with all the excitement here today, the croutons and such, I never did make it back to the gym. I did however make it to my bed for a nice nap.

I'll leave you with this thought . . . cookies GOOD chafing BAD!

1 comment:

  1. If any of my friends want to say Hi or anything they could leave comment right here in the comment section!
