Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Some thoughts since I got back from Fat Camp . . 

It’s harder on the outside. Weight loss is much easier in a protected environment. I’m too vulnerable to outside influences (clocks – if  it’s noon, I want food, signs  ---“CHICAGO DOG COMBO $3.95” can make me want a rotten hot dog, even at 8:00 a.m., commercials. Thank goodness McDonalds is flattened, so I don’t have to battle my drive-through breakfast habit). I’m not sure how to start paying more attention to my own body than the outside influences.  Definitely something for me to work on. 

There were a few ladies at Fat Camp that I wondered why they were there. They looked to be in terrific shape, strong and athletic, one had a tiny little belly, and the other was dissatisfied with her thighs.  I would trade them in seconds! I doubt that they would trade me though . . . . lol. I think there are very few women out there, and I mean in the world, not at Fat Camp, who are satisfied with their bodies. For the follow-up assessments, where you get weighed and measured again, one lady told me the first time she had a follow-up she was in the bathroom stall, weeping and shaking, she was so nervous. That bugs me that any woman would feel that stressed out over a scale and a tape measure.

I see clients at work battling addictions, and I’m glad food is legal. If it was illegal and expensive, I’m pretty sure I’d be in prison. Or (this is bad), if I were accepted, in Food Court.

Still no Diet Pepsi. It makes me think of that time I stopped smoking, and then started up again. If I start on the Pepsi again will I sneak it in private at first, then get more blatant about it, flashing a can now and then, and finally just start drinking it in the open, carrying my 12-packs boldly into the office?  For now I’ve started stashing my soda savings in a special fund, possibly for another Fat Camp Adventure!
And finally, POINTS are in, NETFLIX is out! Tuesday is my weigh-in date, just like on The Biggest Loser. 

And when I watch TV at home, no more just lounging around. Until close to bedtime I am sitting on my big red exercise ball “engaging my core”,  lol which is actually quite fun, except, that it terrifies Midge and Finnegan. Probably safer for the cats to keep a safe distance anyways . . . just in case! 


  1. Food Court! that is the best line EVER! and I am with you....for about the last 30 years being happy that food is legal...or if it weren't maybe I would have stopped eating? don't know. I'm so glad you sent me this link. Your blog is hysterical. Please keep with it. I've started counting my points and am now 15 days without diet coke...never thought it would happen but I should put my savings for junk food and pop into my next year's fund. Hope to see you at Fat Camp next Spring! Maureen

  2. Woo hoo! Way to go Maureen! At Fat Camp somebody mentioned a friend of theirs using diet pop as water. That's what I (and you maybe too!) used to do! The other day I thought of a catchy slogan as I was raising my stainless steel water bottle to my mouth . . . "Water . . . it's the new water!" LOL Fat camp next spring sounds great! Bring your fun friend! It will be a hoot. I'm going to learn to do a grapevine by then, so I can show a little razzle dazzle in that aerobics class. I feel like I'm leaping into the 80's with my aerobics lingo! LOL And I will make it through an entire session of Barry's free weight circuit (without resting for entire sets on my mat), if it kills me or somebody else!
