Sunday, June 29, 2014

Liberty Days

Our town always seems to have something going on, a festival or a carnival, something. This week it was Liberty Days. I had dad down to the Courthouse lawn on Thursday night, Saturday afternoon, and again tonight. He loved the National Guard Band from Peoria tonight, he was full of the applause and the toe tapping. It was lots of fun and a great concert. The beautiful weather didn't hurt either, a little warm, but very pleasant in the shade with a lovely breeze. Nice that it was a busy concert week, since the river is flooded and has been closed all week. Bernie loves the river. Hoping it opens soon.

Mom told me a funny story. Dad gets ants in his pants just about the same time every day, about 3:00. He just gets sort of restless, of course just as Mom is getting a start on dinner.  Well, the other day she handed him some radishes and a knife and told him he could help her by cleaning the radishes. Dad looked blankly at her, holding radishes in one hand and a knife in the other, like he had never seen either before! LOL  He asked her how to clean them, and Mom demonstrated. Dad cleaned 3 radishes (very very slowly!) and then he says to mom, "I am a little dizzy. I think I better stop doing this and go sit outside." Then boom, like a flash, he is out the door and down the porch steps way faster than any dizzy 94 year old should be moving! LOL  Dizzy my ass! LOL

It has been interesting at work. My boss's son is interning with us, just having finished his first year in law school. Zack is very pleasant, easy to be around, but I can't help but remember when he used to spend time at the office zipping about in his walker! We were having an interesting conversation last week about urine (chain of evidence of a urine specimen in a DUI case, not just random pee talk people!), and I said, "Zack . . . times sure have changed since the good old days when all we did was play hide and seek!" LOL

Glad this is a short week. I've been waking up freakishly early and have trouble getting back to sleep. It's got me dragging ass and a touch gnarly and short of patience.  

It was a busy week for Bernie, what with the concerts and all, and church, plus he had a visit from his cousin Mary Prindiville. He loved it all!

Tomorrow should be interesting. I went around the whole yard and pulled a bunch of tall grass from the base of the fence. I gotta get in shape . . . a different shape!

Have a good 4th of July. I might try to get Bernie out to see the fireworks. I know he'd love it, but I think getting him to leave the house in the dark will be harder than getting him to take a shower! LOL


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