Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Veteran's Day

What a blustery Veteran's Day! The parade was canceled yesterday because of the weather forecast. Too bad, Dad loves that celebration. He never did go to the ceremony when it was held indoors, just the outdoor ceremony on courthouse lawn. He doesn't even really know he missed it, but I do. I would have taken him for sure.

What does a girl do on her day off in the middle of the week? Took a surprise ride with Donna to Bolingbrook and had lunch at Portillo's, then came home and made the Pioneer Woman's Enchiladas for supper, with green chile rice on the side. Yikes! LOL The trip to Bolingbrook was a surprise, I certainly would have picked a different dinner lol, something lighter to be sure, but the wheels were already in motion . . .

Everybody should make enchiladas at least once, but given the ingredient list, the labor, the clean-up, the mess, the quantity, next time I'm going to Chiles! These were delicious, to be sure, and I have lots of leftovers.

Dad has recovered from his flu bug, his color is better and his appetite is picking up. Whew! So far mom is OK too. I was not successful in fighting off John's cold bug, and had a nasty cold for a few days. My Kleenex stockpile took a hit!

I moonlit, moonlighted, worked for Mar at a catering job Sunday and my knee held up very well. Perhaps I should pick up the activity a bit and quit being a baby babying it so much.

We celebrated Mom's birthday with supper out and a coconut cream pie. Dad's 95th is coming up next month.

My kitties are not liking the cold so much. I commissioned a vacation house for Midge. It is being decorated now, photos to follow. She has been wanting one, what can I say? I'm a Crazy Cat Lady.  Midge and Finn kind of hesitate at the door, waiting to see if I'm coming out, maybe to rock on the patio or pull some weeds, but they are gonna have a long wait. I feel bad shutting the door on them. I miss summer already.

TBCCP (Throwback Cute Cat Pic?)

Kay :)

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