Saturday, May 25, 2019

Happy Memorial Day

I have been absent from the blog . . . mostly because I have nothing to report. Even Finn can sense this post will be a snooze . . .

Finn turned 10. He went for his shots last week and the vet says maybe some limits on food would be good. He is big boned, but 22 pounds is too much. The Midge is sadly missed. Too many cat beds not enough cats . . .

Mom just got rid of another (or the same ?) UTI, took like 5 rounds of medicine. She is contemplating going to the ortho to see about her bad arm (didn't we tell her she should have had surgery from the get-go?), but keeps putting it off.  It is causing her pain and pretty much keeping her in bed. She has some sort of order in her head, so she was going to get rid of the UTI, then something else, then, possibly, call the ortho. John was home today and gave her a good dose of Mallaney sarcasm, so maybe that will spur her into action! He is not as good as me but he is pretty good. We can only hope. She pretty much stays in bed unless I make her get up for food. LOL I know that might sound mean, but I am. My patience for the patient wears thin sometimes. Other than staying in bed too much and the sore elbow, she has a good appetite and is in a good mood . . . until Kathleen annoys her.  She and Joe have their secrets, and let me believe she gets up for a while every day, until my BS meter has had enough, and then I bitch for a while until she really gets up for her meals.  I miss sitting out in the mornings with Mom and the Midge.

I got the garden planted. Haven't had to water! I would kill for a garden tomato, yum. Mom would too. She loves her veggies.

John stopped at the Seneca cemetery on the way home today, Bernie will like that. Bernie would have stopped for biscuits and gravy in Seneca, or a beer somewhere too.

See the view from the bottom photo . . . he climbed up all those stairs and looks pretty peppy still! Good for him. 52 years young . . . until July.

My 57th birthday is coming up. How in the hell did that happen? Joe turned 58 in March! Gosh.

Work is good.  My little co-worker had a baby, the sweetest little thing, and she pops in with her once in a while, and gosh I love that! I asked my boss if there could be babies or puppies at work every day, and he is mulling that over!  I have the best ideas. It really should be a thing. We got a word of the day calendar from Scripps, the national spelling bee place, and my vocabulary is becoming even more expansive.

John and I ran to Trader Joe's today for some goodies. It is good to visit the big city every once in a while. Do not buy the dark chocolate almond butter cups (OMG soooo good) . . . those little wrappers blow all over . . .

So basically no news is good news for the Morris Mallaneys.


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