Saturday, February 8, 2014

More snow . . .

Whew! Dad got a  haircut and mom manscaped him! He looks good! Mom was nervous about driving on the snowy roads, so I played chauffeur again, to barber, library, bakery, down to the river to feed the gulls. It was nice.

I am throwing together a stoup out of some random refrigerator/freezer/pantry stuff. The baby carrots I dug out of the crisper drawer didn't look so hot; I had to peel them to give them some pep! I sauteed those with some celery, a tired green pepper, onion, and cabbage; sprinkled on a little flour, then poured in some beef broth, some tomato sauce, some tomatoes, some cooked chickpeas from the freezer, and some frozen meatballs I got on sale with a coupon. I gotta spice things up once I see how things are looking. I'm still deciding about my mystery ingredient . . .

What is this red stuff, and why did I save it? It is thawing on the kitchen table. Ironically The Blob is on the Movies! channel soon, and I have a vision of this stuff starting to ooze  . . .I hear tell of some peeps who label and date the stuff in their freezer. It takes all kinds I say.

If the stoup is a flop I have some black bananas, my back-up plan includes banana nut bread made with my clearance black walnuts and an orange glaze. Hmmm. Who needs stoup anyway?

Snowing again! ARGHHHHHHHHH. Though I have to admit this is a pretty one.

We shall see what we shall see with my cooking endeavors today. We shall see if it is blog worthy or not! If I don't post a pic, it was just OK . . . or I done myself in due to eating mystery freezer stuff! People will say . . . "Kay, that dumbass! What was she thinking eating that _________!" You can fill in the blank yourself in case I never make it back.

Enjoy your weekend folks. I'm off to fill the stray cat bowl at work. Though from the looks of it, the birds are helping themselves too! LOL


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