Thursday, January 8, 2015


We got a call Saturday night that Dad was going to be transferred from rehab back to the hospital. The pneumonia was back. It's been all downhill from there. He started having trouble swallowing and I think his body is just worn out. Yesterday Dad was transferred back to the rehab center, and is now under hospice care. He has remained unresponsive for the past couple of days. Mom spent a lot of time with Dad today and met with the hospice caseworker.

I just left him, he is resting comfortably. He had a tiny smile on his face and seems very peaceful. He is definitely closer to heaven today than he was yesterday.

When I walked back into Park Pointe today I couldn't help but remember New Years Eve.  It was before the pneumonia came back. Mom and I went to visit Dad and we couldn't find him at first. Seems he was down at a New Year's Eve Party. We walked down there to find him enjoying chocolate candy and drinking a beer and enjoying the live music! LOL  We had a fun visit that day.

Later on New Year's Eve I was going to my friend's house for a small party. I didn't want to drink too much, wanted to be home early, so I decided I would take 4 beers with me. That would be plenty. And I remembered seeing an open 12-pack of Busch in the shed. I figured I would just use that up instead of buying anything else.

At the party, after I finished my 5 beers (oops how did that extra beer get in there!?), I resisted my friends' urgings to have "just one more", sticking to my self imposed limit (sort of), and telling them that I wanted to get home safely and didn't want to get pulled over or anything. 

Fast forward to this a.m. . . . I reached down to relocate that 12-pack box, it still had a couple of cans in it, and I'll be darned if I didn't ration my beer intake on New Year's Eve with the non-alcoholic beer I bought Bernie to take to the reunion in August! LOL  I told Dad that story tonight too, I know he would get a kick out of it.

I guess I'm lucky I made it this far in my life without going through anything like this. Lots of my friends have already been through it with both of their parents!

Things sure change fast. I have a pile of things here I was laying by for when Dad was able to come home from rehab! ARGHHHHH

That's all for now.

Kay :)

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