Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Back Home Weigh In Week One

Down 4 more pounds.  Counting the 12 at Fat Camp, that is 16 so far.

So far counting points isn’t so bad. I am pretty much at my max every day, what a shocker! LOL  I like to save those extra points they give you for the weekend, when I struggle the most. I noticed less belly in some of my work clothes, a very good thing.

I haven’t been exercising as much as I should be, but I feel more active overall, not sitting around as much, both at home and work. I still have my sore shoulder from my pool volleyball at Fat Camp. It is annoying, but it is improving. Now when I roll over on it at night it is not so painful. I’ll give it another week and then reevaluate.  The shoulder is no excuse for not walking though. It is only an excuse for not having more KettleBell fun. And the KettleBell is fun, and very loud when you drop it. Clear your animals from the room people, that is my advice! And don’t get too close to the TV just in case that sucker flies out of your hand.

I told Holly, one of the fun trainers at Fat Camp, that I wanted to lose 100 pounds by the time I was 50, so now I’m making it public. If this is public. I guess it is. She told me it took her nearly two years, possibly suggesting that I wasn’t allowing myself enough time (I’ll be 50 in June 2012), but I told her that I had set that goal 6 months prior and had somehow managed to gain 15 pounds since then, so I don’t deserve any leniency. Tsk tsk.

Still haven’t had a diet Pepsi. Shocks me. My Return to Fat Camp Fund continues to grow due to my grocery savings on Diet Pepsi and other fast food.  Diet Pepsi makes junk food taste good, but healthy food taste bad. I think part of the reason fruit is tasting so much better to me is the absence of Diet Pepsi.

Back next Tuesday when I weigh on Biggest Loser Day.


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