Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I'm glad that is over!

Hi Folks,

I'm glad the colonoscopy is over! The prep sucks, with or without a colostomy bag. LOL I didn't see doc after the procedure, but he spoke to my mom and told her he removed one small polyp and wants to see me in three weeks. Part of the reason I went to the gastroenterologist is that while I was in the hospital after the reversal surgery I had a student nurse for a day. She was very attentive, and at one point she came in and started lecturing me on the diverticulitis diet. I said whoa, the colostomy was the result of the circulation of the bowel being impinged due to a large benign, ovarian mass, not diverticulitis. And the student nurse said well there are diverticula mentioned in the surgery report from the initial surgery. OK. Turns out the section of bowel that was removed had a couple of diverticula. So I had some questions about that and are there certain foods I should be avoiding, and what about the irritable bowel diagnosis from before the tumor, was it probably from the tumor, etc., and some other annoying little things, and given that I don't need to go back for three weeks, it would seem everything is kosher. The nurse told me they found no diverticulitis, so whew. Nice.

I swear, some day I will do a post and it will not mention bowels! LOL

Kay :)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Hi Folks,

BE WARNED . . . I learned something last week. If you have recently had a couple of surgeries involving your bowels, and you go to your gastroenterologist for a consult to ask if some little things that are going on are normal and to be expected, and you expect him to lecture you on some healthy dietary changes, he will want to do a colonoscopy and you will find yourself on a clear liquid diet (and NOT the clear liquid diet I enjoyed yesterday afternoon with my friends) AGAIN! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH. After that sunk in (and it took a while lol) I said “What!? Really?! I thought you would tell me to eat more fiber and yogurt and get some probiotics!” That seemed to amuse him. Oh the wit.

I don’t think there is anything majorly wrong, but I admit, it will be nice to confirm that everything is in order down there. The doc said look, you are due for a colonoscopy later this year anyway. Let’s go ahead and do it now instead of later in the year and check things out. If everything is OK you’ll be set for 5-10 years. I asked him if you can do a colonoscopy so soon after the colostomy reversal surgery (duh, he is a doctor, I guess he knows lol), and he replied oh yes, sometimes we do them as soon as 6 weeks after to make sure everything is kosher (my word, not his lol) in there and it is not at all uncommon to have a colonoscopy as a follow-up to colostomy reversal surgery. So now I have the clear liquid diet to look forward to tomorrow and that wonderful (and a different kind than I have used before, maybe it will be more pleasant? hahahaha) bowel prep tomorrow night at 6:00. Whoop-de-frickin-doo. So back to the hospital (yuck) for a colonoscopy (double yuck) on Wednesday. Grrrrrrrr. It’s not happening so fast because there is a sense of urgency, just because the doc and date was available, and because of my upcoming vacation, and I just wanted to get it over with pronto.

Enough whining. The physical therapy on my shoulder is going well. I have one more visit left this Friday. The therapist upped my weights and my reps today. Ouch, but I can tell it is really getting stronger and the pain is gone, a very good thing.

Garden is doing well. I'll be eating a salad before you know it. I think this is the earliest I've ever had radishes from garden. They are small, but delicious.

Vacation and camping coming up fast! I’m looking forward to getting away and drinking some beers and camping coffee (yummo!), and taking some nice hikes, and distancing myself from the surgical/hospital/nausea/bowel/colostomy/colonoscopy memories of these last few months. I think that is just what the doctor should order! And where is this fictional doctor, I want to hire him! LOL I hope 3 states is far enough to get away from it all!

Kay :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Here is MIA Flash Drive Post from Day After Easter

Hi Folks,

Happy Monday! I noticed something weird on my walk this a.m., probably a side effect from the surgery I guess. When I’m walking and I see someone I smile and say hi, but sometimes I just move my lips, and I don’t make any sound.  I know, very strange, even for me. But today, a man was walking up, I smiled, said my silent “Morning, how are you?” and I’ll be a SOB, he answered me! He boomed “Doing great, how are you?!” Wow, freaked me out.  I haven’t found any more money yet either. But I still keep looking.

I hope everyone (does anyone actually read this blog? If you do please leave a comment, or just send me a psychic comment, don’t even move your lips!) had a nice Easter! It was a lovely day here. John helped me plant a new red bud tree, and a bush, I can’t remember the name of it (it’s been nearly 24 hours after all! but if it ever blooms it will be gold), and lots of perennials he shared out. Mostly I supervised, second-in-command to Midge. I’m not up to digging holes yet. How long can Kay play the recuperation card? I’ll let you know.  My belly continues to heal. Sometimes just still a little pulling and discomfort in the area fka my stoma. I’ve found some strong underwear to be very helpful in aiding the healing process, but, not so nice in the muffin top area. Formerly the area around my waist was massive and hard as a rock (but, as I have now learned, NOT hard in a good way). I do have a witness who could attest to that fact. YOU know who you are! Now it is massive and sort of smushy. This muffin top thing is rather unpleasant as well, but much better than the former massive hardness. Anyway, another good reason to step up the exercise.

We had a nice turkey dinner and I made better than *** cake for dessert.  The family enjoyed that for sure. Though I did miss the traditional Carrot Cake, which I’m sure someone will bake for my birthday. Anyways, Mom shared a story about Dad. She was in the kitchen while he was outside on the patio. She heard an alarming crash, looked out window and saw Dad on the ground, on his back with his head propped up against this weird little table that holds his radio. He had knocked over the little table that holds mom’s ashtray! She rushes out, thinking she’s probably going to have to call 9-1-1. Yadda yadda yadda he’s OK after a bit, but apparently he fell off the picnic table bench. Now why would a 92 year old man be up there?  Simple! He wanted to see what the neighbors were doing in their yard. Oh for cry eye! I was scolding him, I said that would be one hell of a way to end up in the nursing home, wouldn’t it? Fall off the picnic table whilst snooping on the girls next door? Good Lord! I told him look, you are kind of cute, and are at an age where you can pretty much get away with murder. If you want to see what they are doing why don’t you just go over there and ask them? You might end up with a cookie or a beer or something.  He gave me a sheepish grin and sort of skipped away. I hope I’m as spry as Dad if I live to be 92. Hell, I hope I’m as spry as Dad if I live to be 65. John asked how many other 92 year olds do you know who can fall as much as Dad and NOT get hurt! I can honestly say, not a damn one.

I stared physical therapy for my rotator cuff last week. I swear, it started feeling better after the first visit. The stretching and massage sure helps. Or maybe it is the stim and ice. I love that! I’ve been doing my at-home exercises too. Hmm. BRB. OK done.  The therapy also really made it clear how out of shape I am. Those months of inactivity turned me into a big wuss. My second therapy appointment the trainer added some light weights in addition to the stretchy band exercises. I was so sore that night! Engage the core, add some light weights, wow, ouch! I need definitely do some stuff besides walking if I’m going to be ready for those 1200 steps on vacation.  Yikes. 1200.

Still trying to get a handle on my food. Still stealing lilacs. Still good at ping pong. Some things will never change I guess.

And, in honor of birthday #3 coming up on April 15th, a couple of baby pictures of Midge and Finnegan. It truly is rare to find a cat as graceful and photogenic as Midge. She really should be in pictures. Maybe horror films ---see her as Godzilla Midge below.

Godzilla Midge!

Please note Midge's french pedicure.


Take care good folk,


Monday, April 16, 2012

No news is good news.

Hi Folks,

I blame the lack of posting on a misplaced flash drive. I had a witty, interesting post saved on there. Does anybody know where it is?

I've been going to physical therapy for my rotator cuff (again!). I've been walking quite a bit, but yowza, therapist had me doing some standing exercises with a 1 pound weight. It drove home to me what a slug I've been the last few months, because standing up, engaging my battered core, and using a 1 pound weight made me incredibly sore! Like "Do I have any pain pills left. . . ?" sore! What a wuss. Me, not the therapist. My shoulder is feeling better, felt better almost immediately. The rest of my body is feeling better too!  It was painful to the point that it was disturbing my sleep, so things are looking up and I'm sleeping better, which is very beneficial to my recuperation (and my bitchy ass mood).

Midge and Finn had their 3rd birthday yesterday. Finn was such a good recuperation companion to me, attentive and affectionate, and Midge ignored me splendidly, prancing just out of my reach and ignoring my invitations (begging) to curl up beside me. Finn told me they want the shiny red Schwinn downtown, so I'll have to check my finances. Oh my, what is is this envelope!? A refund check from the hospital, memo "insurance payment". Hmmm. I'll be damned.

I'm going to go find the witty post. It was a really good one.

Kay :)