Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

This tasted WAY better than it photographed!
Trying to eat better. This is quinoa, marinated artichokes, roasted red peppers, broccoli, peppers, onions, olives, walnuts. I'm not really sure what all is in there. On this hot summer day it was delicious. Thank you John. Oh wait, it's not summer, it's flippin' March! I threw some zinnia seeds in Midge's flower bed yesterday, just for fun.

Feeling a lot better. Not as sore and tired. It's getting better. Will be 8 weeks since the surgery this coming Tuesday. I need to check with doc and see if I can lift some weights and do some more exercises. My rotator cuff, that I finished therapy on just before camping, which was just before all this medical stuff happened . . . well I re-injured it getting out of bed after that first surgery. Ouch. I need to get that checked out too. I'm sure my insurance company would  like to take me out back and shoot me.

Been doing pretty good with the walking. I was so sore and tired after I started back to work that I let it go for a couple of days, but the weather is so gorgeous, and what with waking up at like 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. I have a lot of time to kill before work! How come walking in the dark at 10:00 or 11:00 at night is kind of creepy, but walking in the dark at 5:00 or 6:00 a.m. isn't? When I start my walks in the dark, I don't go on the towpath, I walk smack dab down the main street in town. I like it. I can't take any money with me though, because the bakery is open. I've been peering in the window of the Schwinn shop too. A bike ride sounds good some evenings. I'll have to go check out the old lady fat tired cruisers.

I'm sure I'll do better with the points this coming week. Honestly, it would be hard for me to do worse! LOL I have a St. Pat's party tomorrow, corned beef, colcanon, creamed cabbage, beer. My favorite party food of the year. And there are no points on St. Pat's, right!


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