Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day

Hi Folks,

Happy Labor Day!

Thanks, John, for sending me that link to the post about 6 true stories that will restore my faith in human nature. I think it worked. Maybe.

Plus my luck has turned. That pesky broken tooth/filling didn't need to be crowned! At least I have my fingers crossed that the filling will hold. And look at this!

I won a prize. Thank you Kettle Chips! Can you ever have too many potato chips? Six bags delivered right to my door. Big fun. Keep in mind I get tickled when I get a shampoo sample (or anything really!) in the mail. I gave 1 bag of chips to Donna and 2 bags to John. Let me get my calculator . . . that saved me 2250 calories. Not that I would have eaten all those chips! Haha. That reminds me that I haven't had any yet. Be right back . . .

I might start tearing my garden down today. It's a mess. My tomato plants are brown and wilting. I have an ulterior motive. If I rip them up I can dig up some more tasty taters! I have finally been seeing some hummingbirds though. They like the morning glories. Very entertaining. Midge is very entertained as well. I put the feeder up high on a shepherd's hook wedged into the fence to keep them safe from her. She's quite the stalker.

John and I are taking a ride up to Madison on Friday. Going to putz our way up there, and then head to Farmer's Market on Saturday. Looking forward to that. Some tasty apples sound good. It will be a short week for me, as I have Wednesday off too, for a trip to the VA for a neuro consult with Dad. Turns out he was supposed to discontinue two of his meds, and start on two new ones, but one Rx didn't come through. Hopefully the pharmacy will get that squared away and we will get the new one to try soon. It's for anxiety, and he does admit to feeling "nervous" sometimes. That will get better, though, he thinks, once he gets used to living in California. The new med to help him sleep is definitely working better than the Ambien was.

I was telling John about Dad trying to hit me up for a "five" for church. He was pestering me and pestering  me and it was not a church day anyways, and finally I said "Sure, hold out your hand." and I gave him five as in a clap on his hand, not the five dollar bill he was looking for lol, and he did not appreciate my wit and walked away, muttering something about hell. LOLOL Oh lordy I was cracking up. I was telling John that story and he said "Save your cash! Give the Lord five!" LOL Yeah, I'm going to know a lot of people down there.

Dad cracked up the other day when I asked him for a rubber band. He has this awful junk basket full of stuff (crap) and I figured there had to be a rubber band in there somewhere. When I asked him what was so funny, he was laughing so hard he could barely talk. He answered, "You! Asking me for a rubber band! I haven't touched one of those or seen one in years!" I'm not sure what he thought I was asking him for (though I have my suspicions!) and I did NOT ask! LOL  Gosh it was funny. I think. He just laughed and laughed and laughed, and it is very contagious.

I was getting pretty sick of our nightly rides to Dad's favorite cemetery (he took rides out there all the time, pre-dementia even!), and down to the river, so the other night we zipped over to Seneca, then scooted across the river and came home on Dupont Road. He loved it! He remembers the names of the owners of the farms and all sorts of stuff. He used to pack up our bikes when we were kids, and take us along when he mowed his aunt's lawn there in Seneca. We used to fight over who got to lay in the big back window of the light blue Pontiac. We used to like riding our bikes over there and he remembers it too. We have some nice talks on our rides. Or is it the same talk over and over? LOL No matter, it is often quite pleasant. And if it's not I do the same thing I advocated for my friends with noisy and/or crying kids . . . roll the windows down, turn the radio up and drive faster! Just kidding. Nice change for me too, changing our route. He did voice concerns over the gas expense though. I told him I could swing it. 

Miserably hot and humid here the last couple of days. I'll be glad when the heat breaks.

Cooked for the family tonight. Honey Lime Tilapia. It was delicious and so easy. Highly recommend this one. Served it with a clearance microwave pouch of  long grain and wild brown rice and some green beans almondine. Yum. The recipe didn't include the lime zest butter on top. That was my idea.

Honey Lime Tilapia. Next time I'll make more, no leftovers darn it!

Have a good week all.

Kay :)

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