Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thursday A.M.

Instead of the land walk, which was all to be on the highway (yucko-very hard on my bad knee), I did the water walking, followed by an aqua aerobics class, followed by a stretching class in the water. It really surprised me what a good workout it was. Then I did some hot tub and sauna (ahhhh that felt so good), and had some down-time, due to misreading the schedule. I swear I did not misread it on purpose! LOL

John continued with the land walk today, he is doing great with it. Big hills  here, and he stays right with the leader. When I walk, I can sometimes spot them in the distance!  He's limping a little from a blister, and has a very sore tricep from the free weight circuit yesterday. The trainer wanted John to "GIVE ME FIVE MORE" push-ups, and John did it. Yikes. Lots of pressure, if he didn't get them done he would hold everybody back at their station, and believe me, mostly what is on your mind during that class is getting the hell away from the station you are on! I only made it through one round, but I was proud of myself for getting all the way around once, even if half-assedly (is that a word?).

John had a delicious tofu lunch yesterday (I tasted it, it was really good), but I guess tofu is gassy, because he tooted later during Pilates. When he apologized he was told that the farter never acknowledges, it's just a fact of Pilates! LOLOL  Whew, glad I skipped that class. He is one of 3 male guests in with quite a few middle aged ladies! There are some younger girls here too, but the majority are middle aged. At first he feared he was the only guy! LOL  And he had a great time last night at karaoke. I personally cannot imagine karaoke without beer . . . I'm trying . . .still can't do it.

I'm getting back to the gym this afternoon for lots of fun stuff. LOL


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